Total Yarding : 41950

Overall the numbers eased but there was an increase in new season lambs. The quality was back a little with new season lambs varying more in weight with an increase in light stores and a mixed run of trade weights. There was a very good offering of heavy trade and heavy weights. Old lambs were also a bit plainer through the trade runs and well represented in the heavy weights with plenty of crop finished neatly shorn lambs. Merino also lifted in quality with fewer tailend light lambs offered. The market sold to softer trends.

New season lambs were $6 to $10 cheaper in the trade and heavy weights and ranged from $170 to $225/head or 810c to 850c/kg heavy weights reached $233/head. Store new season lambs sold from $$82 to $156/head.

Old 2 score processing lambs ranged from $103 to $136/head. Old trade lambs were $5 to $6 easier and ranged between $154 and $202/head to average 760c/kg. Lambs 24 to 26kg sold from $175 to $225/head or 775c to 800c/kg. Heavy weights to $207 to $240/head or 810c and extra heavy lambs reached $264/head. Merino trades and heavy weights were firm to $5 softer and trades sold from $148 to $196 and heavy weights topped at $236/head. The best priced hogget reached $189/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality remains mixed. Prices were $6 to $9 cheaper on the light and medium weights and remained firm on the heavy mutton. Medium weight ewes sold from $55 to $106 and heavy crossbreds reached $134/head. Heavy Merinos reached $135/head and most mutton ranged between 310c and 360c/kg.