Total Yarding : 40650

Lamb numbers increased and there were 10,000 new season lambs penned. The quality was good in the new season lamb run although there were signs of the lambs drying off. Old lambs were best represented by trade and heavy weights with light lambs and extra heavy weights remaining in short supply. There was a good run of heavy Merino lambs. The market trend was cheaper on the new season lambs while the light old lambs were dearer. Old trade weights were cheaper with quality a factor and dropped $8 to $10 while the heavy weights were firm to $2/head stronger.

New season trade weights sold from $168 to $210/head to average $4 to $5 cheaper while heavy weights ranged from $181 to $239/head. Most averaged 770c to 810c with a few of the freshest pens out to 840c to 850c/kg.

Old light lambs sold from $30 to $110/head up $7/head. Old trade weights sold from $120 to $197 and heavy weights $180 to $239/head. Trade weights were averaging 720c to 750c while the more consistent heavy weights ranged from 780c to 800c/kg cwt. Extra heavy lambs reached $274/head. The run of heavy Merino lambs sold to $236/head and heavy hoggets reached $188/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was again good with plenty of medium and heavy mutton. Prices were $5 to $10 cheaper over most of the yarding. Medium weight ewes sold from $48 to $85 and heavy crossbreds $86 to $110/head. Merino ewes reached $129 and wethers $135/heads. Most ranged between 260c to 300c/kg.