Forbes Sheep Sale Market Report

Total Yarding – 24,250hd      Lambs – 18,050      Sheep – 6,200


Numbers eased this sale, with lambs showing the decrease. Lamb quality was similar to that of the previous sale, with good numbers of
supplementary fed finished lambs on offer. The usual buyers were present and competing in a firm to dearer market.
There were some useful lines of new season lambs penned and these sold from $203 to $240/head. Old light lambs made from $141 to
$166/head. Trade weight lambs were $3 to $5 dearer with prices varying from $164 to $235/head. Heavy and extra heavy weight lambs held
reasonably steady. Heavy lambs to 26kg sold from $225 to $266, with extra heavy weights making from $266 to $344/head. Carcase prices
averaged from 940c to 990c/kg cwt.
Mutton numbers were similar to the previous sale and quality continues to be very mixed. Prices remain strong, with Merino ewes making
from $120 to $215/head. Crossbred ewes varied in price from $140 to $200, with Dorper ewes receiving from $118 to $183/head. Merino
wethers sold from $131 to $200/head.