Numbers fell this sale with agents yarding 1852 head. Quality was again mixed but fair with both well bred and secondary cattle penned. Yearlings made up the majority of the yarding. The usual buyers were present and competing in a cheaper market.
Yearling steers slipped 15c with processors paying from 320 to 350c/kg. Plainer types to feed received from 320 to 378c/kg. The heifer portion was 15 to 20c easier with those to feed selling from 295c to 355c/kg. Finished lines to processors received from 289 to 340c/kg.
Heavy steers and bullocks sold from 320 to 345c/kg. Grown heifers ranged in price from 275 to 330c/kg. Cows were back 15 to 18c/kg. Heavy 2 score sold from 255 to 278c with 3 score 275 to 288c/kg. The best heavy bull reached 285c/kg.