Despite widespread rain in the drawing area numbers increased this sale with agents yarding 779 head. Quality was mixed but fair with some handy lines of well bred cattle on offer along with the plainer types more suited to feed. The usual buyers were present and competing on a dearer market.
Yearling steers to feed lifted 15c with prices ranging from 323 to 370c/kg. Those to processors were firm to sell from 310 to 328c/kg. Light weights to restockers reached 398c/kg. The heifer portion followed a similar trend with feeders paying from 270 to 325c/kg while the finished lines sold from 280 to 324c/kg.
Heavy steers and bullocks jumped 20c to sell from 280 to 328c/kg. Grown heifers sold from 255 to 318c/kg.
Cows were 15c dearer with heavy 2 score selling from 221 to 245c and 3 score 241 to 268c/kg.