Numbers remained similar to last week with 1212 cattle yarded. Quality was good with feeder weights the best supplied along with good numbers of heavy prime cattle. Supply of cows was down with a yarding of mixed quality. All the regular buyers were present.
Young cattle to the trade were firm to cheaper, prime yearling steers sold from 305c to 340c, and prime yearling heifers, 276c to 310c/kg. Feeder steers lifted 10c selling from 300c to 369c, and feeder heifers were up 2c, 279c to 330c/kg. Lightweight restocker cattle were firm to 5c cheaper, steers sold from 303c to 324c, and heifers, 290c to 315c/kg.
Prime grown cattle were 8c dearer and more in places, heavy steers sold from 289c to 359c, and heavy heifers, 270c to 345c/kg. Cows held firm, 2 and 3 scores sold from 188c to 286c, and heavy prime cows, 287c to304c/kg. Heavy bulls sold to 286c/kg.