Numbers dropped by 539 for a yarding of 1263 cattle. Quality remained good with a large supply of heavy prime cattle along with lighter well bred feeder weights. Steers generally sold dearer, while heifers dropped in price. All the regular buyers were present.
Prime yearling steers were a few cents dearer, 240c to 364c, and prime yearling heifers were down 15c, 210c to 340c/kg. Feeder steers gained 8c, 280c to 360c, while feeder heifers eased 5c, 230c to 310c. Restocker steers sold in the range of 220c to 390c/kg.
Prime grown steers were up to 20c dearer in places, 244c to 369c, while prime grown heifers held firm, 255c to 345c/kg. Cows sold 5c cheaper, 2 and 3 scores sold from 150c to 282c, and heavy prime cows, 282c to 295c/kg. Heavy bulls sold to 280c/kg.