Numbers dropped slightly for a yarding of 1430 cattle. Quality was good with plenty on offer for feeders and restockers, prime yearlings were also well supplied. There were limited numbers of heavy grown cattle. All the regular buyers were present.
Young cattle to the trade held firm, prime yearling steers sold from 316c to 365c and prime yearling heifers, 290c to 356c/kg. Feeder steers were also firm, 310c to 400c, while feeder heifers sold cheaper, 260c to 347c/kg.
Prime grown cattle 5c cheaper, heavy steers sold from 270c to 357c, and heavy heifers, 270c to 355c/kg. Cows were firm to cheaper, 2 and 3 scores sold from 180c to 301c, and heavy prime cows, 305c to 322c/kg. Heavy bulls sold to 300c/kg.