Lamb numbers eased and the quality was a little plainer in the trade runs. Heavy and extra heavy lambs were well supplied and there was the usual runs of light lambs. Merino trades were in reasonable numbers and there were a few pens of heavy weights. The market sold to stronger trends on the light and trade lambs, Merinos also increased but the heavy and extra heavy lambs were softer.
The 2 score processing lambs to 16kg sold from $62 to $123/head. Trade lambs 20 to 24kg were up $3 to $4/head and ranged from $131 to $176/head and averaged 660c to 680c/kg with the top tier lambs selling from 720c to 750c/kg. Lamb 24 to 26kg sold from $171 to $198/head and gained $5 on average. Heavy lambs to 30kg were $4 cheaper selling from $181 to $208 and extra heavy lambs were upto $10 cheaper and reached $238/head. Merino trades were $10 to $15 stronger selling from $121 to $158 and heavy weights reached $171/head. Best priced hogget reached $160/head.
Mutton number eased and the quality was mixed. Prices were back $2 to $5/head. Medium weight ewes sold from $58 to $86 and heavy crossbreds ranged from $76 to $118/head. Merino reached $113 and most averaged between 280c and 335c/kg