There was a slight increase in lamb numbers, the quality remains very good with most of the yarding heavy or extra heavy lambs. Trade weights were in reasonable numbers but fewer than last week. There were only limited numbers of light and store lambs. Competition was strong on all weights and grades and prices lifted $6 to $8/head on average.
The 2 score lambs to 16kg sold from $93 to $140/head. The trade lambs 20 to 24kg sold between $163 and $221/head and most averaged from 835c to 880c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs 24 to 26kg ranged from $215 to $232/head and lambs to 30kg sold from $222 to $267/head and averaged around 875c/kg. Extra heavy lambs sold to a top of $300/head. Trade Merinos sold from $152 to $206/head and averaged 780c/kg and heavy Merinos reached $233/head. The best priced hoggets were Dorpers reaching $217/head.
Mutton numbers eased and the quality was good with mainly medium and heavy mutton penned. Prices were dearer with the medium weight ewes selling from $84 to $135/head. Heavy crossbred ewes sold from $128 to $171 and Merinos $126 to $160/head. The bulk of the mutton sold from 430c to 480c/kg cwt.