Numbers dropped this sale with both lamb and mutton showing the change. Lamb quality was again mixed with some good lines of finished lambs offered along with the plainer types. The usual buyers were present and competing in a firm to easier market.
Trade weight lambs were firm to $5 easier with 20- 24kg selling from $127 to $174/head. Heavy and extra heavyweights were also firm to $4 easier. Heavyweights to 26kg sold from $153 to $189/head. Extra heavyweights sold from $171 to $225/head. Carcase prices averaged 632c to 670c/kg. A large offering of Dorpers sold from $124 to $175/head for trade and heavyweights.
Mutton numbers were made up of mostly Merinos and quality was very mixed. Prices jumped $10 to $15/head with Merino ewes selling from $46 to $125/head. Crossbreds received from $59 to $98 with Dorper ewes reaching $115/head.