Lamb numbers eased and the quality was a little plainer. There were more light and secondary trade lambs alongside good numbers of neat trade lambs and there was a good run of heavy weights. Extra heavy lambs were in short supply. A few new season lambs are starting to come onto the market and there were several pens of trade weights. The market sold to a stronger trend after the big fall last week.
New season trade lambs 18 to 26kg sold from $185 to $235/head averaging 890c to 920c/kg. The old 2 score processing lambs were up $12 selling from $96 to $136/head. Trade lambs 20 to 24kg gained $16 and sold from $156 to $210/head and averaged 830c to 840c/kg which included secondary trades. The neat trades were averaging 860c to 880c/kg. Lambs 24 to 26kg cwt ranged from $176 to $226 and heavy weights to 30kg $218 to $258/head. The better end sold from 830c to 870c/kg cwt. Extra heavy lambs reached $275/head. Heavy Merinos reached $195/head and most trade and heavy Merinos averaged 720c to 750c/kg. The best price for a hogget reached $191/head.
Mutton numbers nearly halved and the quality was plainer. Prices were cheaper on the medium and heavy weights fall around $15/head. Medium weight ewes sold from $47 to $100/head and heavy crossbred ewes sold from $84 to $116 and Merinos reached $144/head. Most sold in the range of 320c to 370c/kg cwt.