Total Yarding : 38400

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was a little plainer. Around 9100 new season lambs were offered and the quality was back with a few lots starting to dry while heavy weights were slightly heavier with more around 26 to 27kg. Old lambs were best represented by heavy weights and extra heavy lambs were very scarce, trade weights were mixed and lighter weights were limited. Merino lambs also had a slip in quality with fewer light and trade weights offered and the heavy weights were not in the big runs of last week. The market sold to softer trends with most of the lambs firm to $5 cheaper and light and trade Merinos were $10 cheaper and heavy weights around firm.

New season trade weights sold from $173 to $210 and ranged from 780c to 830c/kg on most. Heavy weights were firm selling from $202 to $242/head.

Old trade weights ranged from $152 to $196/head and averaged 760c/kg. Lambs 24 to 26kg sold between $181 to $213/head and heavy weights to 30kg $205 to $242/head averaging 770c to 800c/kg cwt. Merino trades sold from $118 to $169/head averaging 650c/kg and heavy weights reached $198/head.

Mutton numbers were similar and the quality improved with more medium and heavy mutton. Prices lifted $15 to $20/head across a wide selection of mutton. Medium weight ewes sold from $52 to $92/head and heavy crossbreds $96 to $149/head. Merino ewes reached $140/head and most of the mutton sold in the range of 320c to 360c/kg cwt.