Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was good. There were plenty of well finished heavy and extra heavy lambs along with a good run of trade weights. Dorpers were well supplied and there were good numbers of trade and heavy weights penned. The market sold to stronger trends.
The 2 score processing lambs were mostly Dorpers and sold from $53 to $110/head. Trade weights were $5 to $10 dearer with lambs 20 to 24kg selling from $153 to $190/head and 24 to 26kg lambs $182 to $215/head and most sold in the range of 750c to 800c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs were $10 to $15 dearer with lambs to 30kg selling from $193 to $239/head or 720c to 750c/kg and the extra heavy weights $222 to $281/head. The extra heavy lambs increased in cents/kg as well as having more weight in the top end. Heavy Merino lambs sold to $216/head and very heavy Dorper hoggets reached $190/head.
Mutton numbers eased and the quality was mixed but there was plenty of heavy mutton on offer. Prices were slightly cheaper on the crossbreds and $2 to $4 better on the Merinos. Medium weight ewes sold from $58 to $112 and heavy crossbreds $112 to $156/head. Merino reached $143/head and most sold between 320c and 380c/kg cwt.