Lamb numbers were steady and the quality was again good. There were a few more new season lambs, 7400 and a few less Merino lambs. Trade and heavy lambs were best supplied and there was a better supply of extra heavy weights. The light 2 score lambs were limited. The lighter and trade lambs were cheaper while heavy weights and the better Merino lambs were dearer.
New season lambs were $5 to $8/head cheaper with the trade weights $167 to $205 and heavy weights reached $250/head most ranged from 780c to 830c/kg cwt.
Old 2 score processing lambs were mainly Merinos and sold from $55 to $128/head, trade lambs 20 to 24kg were back $10 to $12/head selling from $163 to $202/head and averaged 760c to 770c with the best of the trades out to 830c/kg. The 24 to 26kg lambs were also cheaper ranging from $199 to $238/head. Heavy lambs were firm selling from $208 to $250/head or 835c/kg on average. Extra heavy lambs topped at $306/head. Merino lambs were dearer and ranged from $135 to $216/head and ranged from 720c to 750c/kg for most.
Mutton numbers eased and the quality was good with a large percentage of the mutton carrying plenty of condition, prices were stronger for the majority of the mutton. Medium weight ewes sold from $55 to $115/head. Heavy crossbreds reached $146 and Merinos $167/head. lighter Mutton averaged 350c and the heavier 380c to 430c/kg.