There was an increase in lamb numbers and most came from the lift in new season lambs. 10,300 were penned and the quality slipped with most looking dry. Old lambs were mixed in condition and in the pens. Trade and heavy weights were well supplied and extra heavy lambs were limited. The market sold to weaker trends.
New season store lambs sold against the weakening trend and lifted around $9/head selling from $90 to $164/head. Trade lambs were $5 to $7 cheaper selling between $150 and $197/head and most averaged between 780c and 820c/kg. Heavy weights were $5 softer ranging from $191 to $255/head averaging 840c/kg.
Old trade weights were back $10 to $12 with the bulk $159 to $195/head and new season shorn lambs reached $215/head. the bulk of the old lambs averaged 760c to 800c/kg. Heavy weights were firm to $5 easier $184 to $258/head and averaged 840c/kg, extra heavy lambs topped at $277.60/head. Heavy Merinos were $10 cheaper and reached $212 and the best price for a hogget was $180/head.
Mutton numbers lifted and the quality was very good with plenty of heavy and extra heavy mutton along with well covered medium weights. Prices were firm to $3 softer. Medium weight ewes sold from $58 to $88 and heavy crossbreds reached $128/head. The best of the Merinos reached $136/head and most sold from 320c to 360c/kg cwt.